
About Abby Johnson

Abby graduated from Penn State University in 2014 with bachelor’s degrees in Visual Journalism and Anthropology. She served as a Peace Corps Volunteer in Togo from 2016 to 2019, working with her host community to improve food security and natural resource management. During her service, she filmed and edited a number of short films to educate Americans about Togolese culture and Peace Corps service. Upon returning, she completed a master’s degree in Sustainability Solutions at Arizona State University. For her culminating experience at ASU, she worked with Togolese changemaker Aposto Atcham to create a short-form documentary about his multipronged efforts to empower youth in his community. Abby currently works as the communications manager for ASU’s Knowledge Exchange for Resilience.

Having experienced firsthand the power of stories to raise awareness, change beliefs and ultimately shape behavior, Abby aims to harness this power to tell solutions-oriented stories that help us build more sustainable communities.

(973) 525-3685
