Film Portfolio

The Dream Hatcher

As a Peace Corps Volunteer in Togo, I met a lot of people who believed that sustainable development was a job for foreigners. And then I met Aposto. Whether it’s teen pregnancy or environmental degradation, Aposto has a solution. And unlike some of their foreign counterparts, these solutions — they’re working.


As a Peace Corps Volunteer in Togo, I met a lot of people who believed that sustainable development was a job for foreigners. And then I met Aposto. Whether it’s teen pregnancy or environmental degradation, Aposto has a solution. And unlike some of their foreign counterparts, these solutions, they’re working.


Miss Amelia

Imagine trying to teach English to a class of 90 students, using nothing but some chalk and your own creativity. Peace Corps Togo Volunteer Amelia Karayianis shows why this is truly “the hardest job you’ll ever love.”

A Day In The Life

An average day in Togo can look very different depending on whose eyes you’re looking through. Kokou Jonathan Dowoussou is a National Education Volunteer who teaches high school philosophy and civics. In 2017 – at the age of 25 – he was named Best Volunteer of the Year by Togo’s National Volunteer Agency (ANVT). Kokou created an association called Votre Avenir et Vous (Your Future and You) that aims to provide Africa’s youth with the tools and confidence to tackle local and global problems. To learn more about Kokou and Votre Avenir et Vous, you can visit

This video was highlighted in the 2019 Peace Corps Week Video Showcase, 'A day in the life.’


Togo Or Not To Go

When Peace Corps Volunteers arrive in Togo, most have no idea what to expect. Volunteers who served from 2015-2017 discuss their service - the good times and the bad.

One of the longest continuous programs in the world, Peace Corps Togo has hosted more than 2,900 Volunteers since the post was established in 1962. Currently, there are more than 90 Volunteers serving communities in Togo on projects related to education, the environment, and health.

Project Spotlight: Rabbitcon

According to The World Bank, about 11% of Togo’s population is undernourished, and the World Food Programme reports that 5% of the population suffers from acute malnutrition. One of the nutrients that’s commonly lacking is protein.

One way in which Peace Corps Volunteers in Togo are addressing this challenge is by teaching improved animal husbandry methods. Their main focus? Rabbits.


The Weaver

"Nature uses only the longest threads to weave her patterns, so that each small piece of her fabric reveals the organization of the entire tapestry."

It is easy to let our differences divide us, but when we find a common cause to fight for, that can make all the difference. Arizona Interfaith Power & Light has found this common cause in climate action and care for creation.

A Tale of Two Groundhogs

It takes something special to get thousands of people to stand outside before sunrise on a frigid early Feb. 2 morning in Pennsylvania. But a rodent?

Groundhog Day is legend in lots of places, but nowhere is it bigger than in Pennsylvania — from Punxsutawney in the northwest to Quarryville in the southeast. Folklore has it that, shortly after sunrise, if the groundhog sees its shadow, there will be six more weeks of winter.

Full story at